Friday, July 31, 2009


We went to the circus with my Moms Club today. Genicey and Cade got juggled around during the preshow! Here is the video.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


So I seem to be terrible about blogging during the summer. We are too busy traveling, swimming, playing etc to give me much time to write a formal blog. That being said I love summer. I love spending all that time with my children. They are growing so fast and I don't want to miss anything. We went to Branson last week. When I say we I mean the kids and I went along with Papa Jack and Nana. We had a wonderful time. The kids loved the pool, the weather was BEAUTIFUL, the mountains are lovely. My mom's friend was also there with her family including their darling sweet child Emily Grace. She was like a big sister to my children all week. They ate her up! Here are a few highlights from our trip.( wish I could add more)