Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The walk

I decided on Monday morning I was going to do a 30 Day Workout. The rules are simple I must work out at least 30 minutes everyday for the next 30 days. In keeping with this healthy idea we decided to add a Family walk to the day after dinner. We went to Renner Park and man was it muddy and full of water everywhere. We walked a good ways and got the strollers super muddy. Jesse and the kids could have cared less though. I was a little cranky about it as we all had to get back in my car on the way home, but finally I decided "if you can't beat em join em" so that's exactly what I did. When our walk was done we went down a runoff thing full of water and had a blast. By the time we got back in the car the kids were soaked and I was driving home barefoot. Here are a few pictures from our adventures. (BTW Hailey actually slept though some of this which was amazing as the walk was super bumpy! That kid amazes me:)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had fun! I love the picture of Miss Hailey. Gen and Cade always look so cute and happy to be doing whatever they are doing!
