Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Car Trouble

I have so much to write about, but I want to add pictures. I simply do not have the time to manage that so I'll just write a brief note about ...well obviously car trouble. We just fixed a few "minor problems" on Jesse's car and I thought I took it pretty well. Things happen. EXPENSIVE things, but still it's just money right? Well guess the kids and I got stranded at Exxon for 45 minutesish. I went after a long day to get gas and then my car wouldn't start. Apparently Saturns are known for ignition trouble, but have never recalled them. Mine had been acting up on me a little, but always started after a try or two, but this time I kept trying and nothing. I had three hungry, cold and tired children. They were very good though considering, but my goodness is that a big deal for them. Actually Hailey was great, but the two big kids were very aware something wasn't right.) I felt terrible. Then of course Cade had to use the bathroom so I took all three kids in the cold rain, to the bathroom where they preceded to touch things (what isn't nasty in a public bathroom).Luckily, my Dad came and helped us out. He got the car started and I got home. I have no idea if the car will run tomorrow, but Im just happy to be home safe and sound.


  1. OH NO!!! I'm so sorry that had to happen with Jesse out of town. I can't imagine being stranded with the kids!! Glad to hear you are all home safe and sound in this horrible weather.

  2. Turns out it was my key that was the problem. My car is just fine, but my key is worn out. Much cheaper to fix thank goodness.
